Thursday 3 January 2013



The world if full of mysterious objects, people, places, and events that need more research. In the last 30 years, humans have made some incredible scientific advancement in the area of archeology, astronomy, computer technology, radar, physics, chemistry, biology, and statistics. People are beginning to understand more about how the Earth was made and have identified anomalies that exist in space. Some of the research has opened up questions about historic events and scientific theories. We can only hope that people will evolve and gain a better understanding of bizarre historical events, instead of moving in the opposite direction. This article will examine ten strange topics that need a bit more explanation by world governments.

Umbrella Man
On the day that John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dealey Plaza, dozens of people captured photographic evidence of the murder. The most important evidence was taken by Abraham Zapruder and shows Kennedy’s fatal head shot. In order to determine exactly what happened that day, government officials have examined and scrutinized every angle of the videos. In some cases, mysterious people of interest have been identified. One of the most famous examples is the Babushka Lady, who was witnessed filming near the assassination, but never identified by the police.
Another mysterious figure that was seen during the JFK assassination is the umbrella man. The umbrella man can be seen in several videotapes and photographs of the assassination, including the Zapruder film. He is the only person in Dealey Plaza with an umbrella, which has been deemed unusual because it was a clear day. In the videos, the umbrella man can be seen opening his umbrella and lifting it high above his head as JFK’s limousine approached. He then spun the umbrella clockwise as the limo slowed down and JFK was shot.
In the aftermath of the assassination, the umbrella man sat down on the sidewalk next to the Stemmons Freeway sign. He then got up and walked towards the Texas School Book Depository. The true identity of the umbrella man has never been discovered. His actions have been at the center of multiple movies that examine the JFK conspiracy theory, including Oliver Stone’s film. The theory suggests that the man used the umbrella to signal the shooters. More specifically, he could have been signaling Kennedy’s driver, who was ordered to slow the vehicle. Many people who witnessed the assassination said that Kennedy’s limo came to an almost complete stop in the middle of the street before he was shot.
A less common theory is that the umbrella man used a poison dart to immobilize JFK during the assassination. Another person of interest is the dark-skinned man that is seen standing next to the umbrella man. During the Zapruder film, the dark-skinned man is witnessed making sudden movements toward JFK at frame 202. It almost looks like he makes a Nazi salute motion towards the president. The same dark-skinned man was photographed speaking into a walkie-talkie in Dealey Plaza.
In 1978, after an appeal to the public by the U.S. Committee on Assassinations, a man named Louie Steven Witt came forward and claimed he was the umbrella man. Witt says he brought the umbrella to Dealey Plaza in order to heckle Kennedy. Another theory is that the umbrella man was Cuban American Manuel Artime, who had a close relationship with E. Howard Hunt. Artime died mysteriously in 1977, which is the same time the U.S. assassination committee was investigating the umbrella man.
Berkeley Mystery Walls
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There is a bizarre set of ancient walls that exist in the hills along the East Bay of San Francisco. Little has been written about the walls and their origin. The walls are constructed from closely fit basalt boulders, which serve as the foundation of the structures. The rocks are deeply embedded in the soil and weigh up to 1 ton. The walls extend for many miles along the hill crests from Berkeley to Milpitas and beyond, even all the way to San Jose, which is located 50 miles south. Some of the walls have been destroyed over the years, but large stretches still exist. In some places, the walls twist and turn abruptly and climb large hills. However, they don’t appear to enclose anything or serve a practical purpose.
The walls surround mountains and extend to Mt. Diablo, where people have discovered a strange stone circle that is 30 feet (9.1 meters) in diameter. The best preserved sections of the walls can be found on Monument Peak, which is east of Milpitas, California. In some places the walls have been known to reach the height of 6 feet (1.8 meters) and the width of 3 feet (0.9 meters). In one location the walls form a spiral that is 200 feet (60.9 meters) wide and circles into a boulder. The construction looks old, but no research has been done to determine their precise age. Before Europeans arrived in San Francisco Bay, the Ohlone Indians populated the region, but they didn’t use stone construction.
To the west of San Francisco Bay, there is another rock wall anomaly in Point Reyes that has drawn some attention. It consists of over 400 carefully laid stones that bisect the Tomales Point peninsula. It is currently unclear who created the Berkeley mystery walls, but some feel the structures were used as a defensive stronghold or line between Indian tribes. In 1904, UC-Berkeley professor John Fryer suggested that the walls were made by migrant Chinese, who traveled to California before the Europeans. Some specialists have noted that the walls look similar to other ancient structures found in rural Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maine. Some sections of the Berkeley mystery walls have been torn apart by acorns that fell within cracks, sprouted and became mature trees, and then died and decayed, which indicates the structures have been around for a long time.
Apollo 11 Missing Tapes
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It can be argued that the most important video in the history of man is missing. On July 21, 1969, the live broadcast of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walking on the moon was broadcast around the world. Six hundred million people, or one fifth of mankind at the time, watched the event. The video was extremely blurry because of the technological limitations of the time. In 1969, only limited bandwidth was available to transmit the video signal, which needed to be multiplexed back to the Earth, so the video of the Apollo 11 moonwalk was transmitted in a SSTV format of 10 frames per second at 320 lines of resolution.
Originally, the SSTV format was incompatible with existing NTSC, PAL, and SECAM television standards, so the tapes were converted to a different format. During the conversion, the live signal was sent to a high-quality video monitor and the screen was simply re-recorded with a conventional television camera and broadcast to the world. The optical limitations of the monitor and the camera significantly lowered contrast, brightness, and resolution of the original SSTV video. It also put a huge amount of noise in the broadcast.
You would think that NASA would have recognized the huge significance of the original analog tapes in SSTV format and kept them in a temperature controlled and safe environment, but this is not the case. In 2006, the story broke that NASA had lost 700 boxes of magnetic data tapes, including the original SSTV recordings of the moonwalk. The mistake was huge because modern technology could easily allow for the SSTV tapes to be transformed into a higher quality video of the Apollo 11 moon landing. The mistake has only fueled conspiracy theorists who claim the moonwalk was staged.
Supernova Remnant G1.9+0.3
According to NASA, G1.9 can be explained as the youngest known supernova remnant (SNR) in the Milky Way Galaxy. It is said to be only 140 years old, which is extremely young for a SNR. The dating of G1.9 has caused some Russian scientists to question the fact because there is no record of a visible supernova during the 1860s. However, NASA maintains that a substantial increase in the brightness of the object over the last 25 years means it is extremely young. The discovery of G1.9 was announced on May 14, 2008 at a NASA press conference. In the days leading up to the conference, NASA said that it would be “announcing the discovery of an object in our Galaxy astronomers have been hunting for more than 50 years.”
This statement caused some people to infer that G1.9 might be a brown dwarf that is related to Planet X or Nibiru, partly because of the objects elongated orbit which is representative of Nibiru. G1.9 was also originally discovered in 1984, which is the same year that conspiracy theorists claim an abnormal planet was found by the U.S. government. In 2012, a story emerged that a group of Spanish astronomers named the StarViewer Team had discovered an object almost twice the size of Jupiter sitting just beyond Pluto. According to the group, the brown dwarf appeared to have planets or large satellites encircling it. It was referred to as G1.9.
StarViewer reported that the object was formed in the same way as the Sun. The group connected the history of the object to Nemesis, which is a hypothetical hard-to-detect star that was originally postulated in 1984. The Spanish team reported that the brown dwarf is orbiting the Sun at a distance of about 95,000 AU (1.5 light-years) beyond the Oort cloud. In November 2010, the scientific journal Icarus published a paper by astrophysicists John Matese and Daniel Whitmire, which proposed the existence of a binary companion to our Sun, larger than Jupiter, in the Oort cloud. The researchers used the name “Tyche” to describe the planet.
Spanish astronomers have reported that they tracked G1.9 with great interest because of the recent gravitational anomalies in the Oort cloud. In 2010, it was reported that Pluto had recently undergone a change in color, which may be caused by a massive heating event on the former planet. In the past two years, NASA has discovered two new moons around Pluto, which suggests that the system is more crowded than originally thought. These facts have sparked interest from Spanish scientists who suggest G1.9 is influencing Pluto. For the record, according to author Zecharia Sitchin, whatever Nibiru is, won’t get close to Earth before 2030.
Malta Cart Ruts
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Misrah Ghar il-Kbir (Malta cart tracks) is a prehistoric site located near the Dingli Cliffs on the west coast of Malta. Malta is a Southern European country situated in the center of the Mediterranean Sea, some 80 km (50 mi) south of Sicily. One of the greatest mysteries of Malta is the cart ruts, which are a complex network of tracks that have been carved into the rock. The earliest reference to the tracks was made by Gian Francesco Abela in 1647, who suggested that they were used to transport stones from quarries to the sea for exportation to Africa.
It is currently unclear exactly how the tracks were formed or for what purpose. In general, most archeologists presume that the site was developed around the year 2000 BC when new settlers came from Sicily to Malta. The ruts can be found in a number of sites around Malta and on Gozo. However, near the Dingli Cliffs they form a “traffic jam” and move in all directions. On average, the grooves are up to 60 cm deep and have an average distance of 110 to 140 cm between them. In certain locations, the tracks cross to form a junction, which creates the illusion of a railway station switching yard. For this reason, the site was nicknamed Clapham Junction, after the station in London.
The Malta tracks produce parallel grooves in the bedrock. Some of the grooves extend for several hundred meters in length and travel into the water. In some areas, the tracks move around large rocks and natural formations. A collection of theories have been put forward to explain the ruts, including that they were formed by human sleds. Some have hypothesized that the tracks could be the remnant of an ancient irrigation system. Recent research has suggested that the Malta tracks could have been formed by wooden-wheeled carts that eroded the soft limestone. If true, the ruts could provide evidence for an ancient transportation network in Malta.

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